Thursday, April 21, 2016

Stewart Brand

Stewart Brand's 6 s's of the layers of a structure is something that was always right in front of you, but never really realize it. His model can be confirmed dating all the way back to ancient times, and although they may have not had air conditioning or heat, something was used for insulation on the building. The model ranges from the unchanged (basically where the building sits), to frequent change (the things to decorate the interior).While these two items will more times than not stay put in our model, the four s's in between sometimes tend to shift around in years, although not too terribly much or often. For example, the skin (or exterior) of the building is said to be permanent for about 20 years, however humans tend to always want to keep their design up to date. The exterior, as well as the interior, are heavily influenced by fashion styles and timing. On the other hand, something such as the services of a building will not be influenced by a change of fashion sense, as those needs can be found at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy. Finally, as for the floor plan, this can also change due to the changing times. My father is a realtor, and he was just commenting today how the desired floor plan for a home has shifted since he has been in the business, from semi-dense to the new wave, open floor plans. Many people find it not only easier to raise a family, but also an much more open floor plan allows for so much more customization of the home.

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